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Youth competition 'Plan(e)Tscape' by IFLA Europe

IFLA Europe launched its 2024 Youth competition for landscape architecture students and young professionals entitled 'Plan(e)Tscape'!

We believe that landscape architecture is one of the key professions to offer solutions for the created situation. We believe, that the Plan(e)tscape conference emitting a positive tone, highlighting creative solutions, helps to reevaluate the increasingly prevailing doomsday mood, and instead of panic, outlines an active, forward-looking alternative, an optimistic vision of the future not only for the profession, but for the entire society.

The competition is open to enrolled landscape architecture students and young landscape architecture professionals (up to 40 years of age) from all over Europe. Both students and young professionals must be members of their respective National Associations which is a member of IFLA Europe. IFLA Europe National Associations.

There are two categories: A) Conceptual ideas/projects and B) Realised projects! Deadline for sending your entries is 1 September 2024!

The entries will be evaluated on the following criteria:

- Presentation and graphical quality

- Pertinence of the entry regarding the topic, concept development

- Project innovation

- Demonstration of technical feasibility.

Prizes are:

Winner of Category A: 1000€

Winner of Category B: 1000€.

For all information on how to apply, please visit IFLA Europe Youth Competition website


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